What payment methods may I use to purchase on JobTestPrep? You are welcome to use the following methods of payment: Visa, MasterCard, American...
Thu, 12 Aug, 2021 at 4:23 PM
If you would like to request a refund, please complete the form below. You can find out more about our refund policy here. Please allow up to five busin...
Mon, 31 Jul, 2017 at 10:52 AM
An eCheck is an electronic transfer of funds. Money sent via eCheck is taken out of the buyer's bank account and deposited in the seller's PayPal...
Tue, 14 Feb, 2017 at 2:25 PM
We recommend that before you try to process the payment again, you contact both your bank and your credit card company to make sure that payments to JobTe...
Tue, 25 Oct, 2016 at 1:54 PM
At JobTestPrep, we strive to provide the best online test preparation experience for customers worldwide. Since we are an international company, some credi...
Tue, 18 Mar, 2025 at 3:26 PM
At JobTestPrep, we want to ensure you have a smooth purchase experience. Your receipt and welcome email are sent automatically upon completing your order, ...
Tue, 18 Mar, 2025 at 3:29 PM
At JobTestPrep, we want to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience for you. If you see two charges for the same product on your bank statement, don’t wo...
Tue, 18 Mar, 2025 at 3:33 PM
Payments to are not recurring.
Only 1 payment is necessary to gain access to your PrepPack. Once you have paid and received your pr...
Tue, 14 Feb, 2017 at 2:31 PM
You can upgrade to premium by following this walkthrough - 1. Sign into "My PrepPacks" 2.
Mon, 30 Dec, 2019 at 4:56 PM